Chief Frank Nelson
Chief Frank Nelson was born on Gilford Island and is a member of the Kwikwsutineuk – ahkwamish First Nation. He was carving and making jewelery for over 40 years, starting in the early 1970′s with the Raven Arts Studio, established by Chief Tony Hunt Sr.
He carved cedar masks, rattles and other items for traditional potlatch ceremonies; and then in the 1990′s he moved away from carving wood to engraving jewelry. More recently, he had taken up the technique of repousse, and created exciting new works in this form.
He received a great deal of inspiration every year when he took part in Tribal Journeys – an annual canoe journey that involves First Nations communities from Alaska to Washington State.
Reconnecting with nature and having a chance to experience other cultures helped him to stay grounded in the work he created as a Kwikwsutineuk – ahkwamish artist until his passing in 2014.
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